I finished the PCT, but it hasn’t finished with me

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5 Responses

  1. Mama says:

    {hugs!} Like you said, these things take time. Take care of yourself, and allow yourself the time to reintegrate. Undoubtedly, your end point will be different from your starting point. (And while 5-month hikes may be out of the picture, that doesn’t mean that week-long ones, or even day hikes, have to be. Once your feet are happy again, that is!)

  2. Jaxx SJ says:

    Congrats on finishing Alice that is awesome! Been following along with your journey and have been hoping you made it safely. I did the JMT this summer and although I have an idea of what you speak of here, I can only imagine how much stronger these feelings are after a PCT hike. Good luck on readjusting back to regular life and hopefully you get to do another thru-hike soon!

  3. TwoYellowDogs.Terri says:

    Thanks for sharing. I want to section-hike PCT this year. Maybe next year a thru-hike. Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts, info, lists, food…. Reading your posts gives me some real hope to let go of my fears and prepare, and go do it.

    • Alice says:

      Letting go of fears, prepare, and do it — that’s a solid plan right there! What section are you thinking of doing this year? There are so many beautiful parts of the trail — hope you have an amazing hike.

  4. Leo says:

    These are wonderful, deep reflections, of you in a different consciousness. I read the animal simplicity in it. Thank you for writing your heart and perspective.
    Leo. Albany, CA.

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