Over a thousand miles in Truckee CA

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13 Responses

  1. Rox says:

    Whoohoo!!! Congrats on the 1k mile mark, you amazing woman you!! Wishing you a gentle grade, great weather, and less bugs. BIG Hugs!! 😀

  2. Aurora says:

    Funny, my first comment for you is also Woohoo!!! Great job so far and I can only imagine hiking day in day out with a bug net. Gross. Good for you for persevering. How fun that Aiko came and joined you. I’m looking forward to doing the same! Don’t worry, I’m training for it! Rohayhu!

  3. Holly Armstrong says:

    1,000 miles! We all say a heartfelt “YES!” and add our breath to your breath.

  4. wendy says:

    You are amazing. The very best to you-ONWARD

  5. Button says:

    Eddy and Al would be so proud of you Alice. I am not sure if I ever met you Alice but I sure remember Eddy bragging about you when you were in India and about what a fabulous cook you were becoming. Do you still cook much? At the time I think your plan was to become a chef. Did that ever happen. I remember several years ago enjoying your father’s company when he stayed at our house on his bike trip from Washington to Southern California. What a wonderful family you have.I also remember your dad when he was a teenager. Always creating artwork. Good stuff too.

  6. Jene-Paul says:

    Dear Penguin, what marmot ever did a more majestic imitation of a grizzly, lord-of-the-forest? Thank you for all the well-chosen imagery (both written and photographic) you share, giving us such wonderful, fleeting glimpses of your trail.

    Riding from Portland to L.A., the searing sun wore me down to a dozen miles a day (from a 68-mile average) over a few of the passes at the southern end of the Willamette Valley. It was grueling but I knew that all terrain eventually changes – there’s *almost* always a downslope on the other side. And the rain gear as bug-armor thing – been there, too. Behold how multi-purpose stuff earns its weight in the pack!

    So happy to read every instance of friend or family joining yer little stroll for a while. You are certainly the equal of the marvels you traverse, Alice. Hope you slide into Ashland laughing!

  7. Mary Rhodes says:

    I am so impressed!!! Thank you for sharing your adventures so insightfully. May you have smooth trails…

  8. Mama says:

    Aw… gotta love the marmot! I hope you didn’t alarm it. I’m glad you’ve gotten into terrain that isn’t such a constant strain! Happy trails and many tales!
    (I guess I’m Fezzik today.)

  9. Meg says:

    Wow 1000 miles! You are incredible, you do know that right?

  10. Phil Logan-Kelly says:

    We thought of you as we passed the trail in McKenzie Pass yesterday. I wish Edna and Al could have followed your progress.

  11. Aiko says:

    I DID have fun! It was definitely hard, but the hardest part was probably the sore feet. Hoping the terrain is continuing to ease up.

  1. January 8, 2015

    […] ← Previous: Mammoth Lakes (mile 907) to Truckee (mile 1156): Over a thousand miles in Truckee CA […]

  2. January 9, 2015

    […] Mammoth Lakes (mile 907) to Truckee (mile 1156): Over a thousand miles in Truckee CA […]

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