PCT gear list

5 Responses

  1. steven says:

    It looks like you put a lot of careful time and effort into your gear planning, good for you! I’m sure it will work out well for you :) Good luck on the trail, maybe we’ll cross paths!

  2. Brad says:

    \title{That is Really lightweight!}
    I am impressed with the weight. I am about the same with a heavier base weight. I didn’t figure it out until I saw your Luxury weight of \approx 2 pounds – I am not carrying any luxuries :( . BTW, I have not thought of \Latex for almost 15 years. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  3. Jene-Paul says:

    First few paragraphs of this post & their conclusion—I totally get that. It’s a process which can be satisfying but there’s always an equally important assessment operating in the background during that list-making, relating & refining objectives and logistics. By now, I’m pretty sure that this is more than “somewhat productive.”

    Yeah, “character-building” is waiting somewhere up there. Remember, equipment selections only have the privilege of making the journey at your pleasure. You’re not obligated to suffer any longer than necessary through an inappropriate choice and should give yerself permission to swap out stuff along the way, rather than “tough something out” (heck, I’ve traded with other hikers and bikers right on the trail). Comfort = endurance and safety.

    And damn, you *do* look formidable & ready in that photo!

  4. Joyce McDonough says:

    Love the lists! Love the whole thing. I’ll be following you in lieu of walking it myself. I’ve always wanted to do this trail.

  1. January 22, 2015

    […] with a crazy heavy backpack, and sheds weight as they go. This was not my story. I started with the lightest set-up I could manage, and added weight as I went, for a few […]

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